In San Francisco, we can reduce tobacco caused cancers by addressing the groups which use tobacco the most.
Anyone using tobacco products is at risk. However, young adults, low income communities, the homeless and people with mental illness have smoking rates are higher than the general population.
Tobacco use remains the leading preventable cause of cancer and cancer deaths in the U.S. Cancers linked to tobacco use make up 40 percent of all cancers diagnosed.
Learn more!
NCCN Guidelines
American Cancer Society
American Lung Association
about tobacco caused cancers
about quitting: the truth about tobacco
Stop using tobacco products.
Many groups and resources are available to help - you donʻt have to do it alone.
Smoking cessation resources in San Francisco:
Stop Smoking Program (Tobacco Free Project)
Tobacco Cessation classes (ZSFGH)
Asian Smokers' Quitline (Mandarin & Cantonese, Korean, Vietnamese)
Quit Smoking Class for LGBT & HIV+ Smokers (The Last Drag)
How to Quit (San Francisco Tobacco Free)
Stop Smoking Classes (UCSF Health)
Seeking help kept me on the path >

Talking informally with others with the same struggles lifted the guilt and shame, and it was easier to deal with the real issues and apply some of the techniques and methods others had successfully used.