James McCray, D.Min.
I am sure of one thing: I am a survivor of prostate cancer. I believe in screening and encourage men to have it.
>read more

Felton Peterson
Prostate cancer doesnʻt have to be a death sentence - so get checked. Together we can stop prostate cancer.

early detection & screening: The psa test
The primary test for prostate cancer, the PSA blood test, has been controversial and there are currently no guidelines to inform systematic testing.
The debate is due to the fact that all prostate cancers are not the same. Yet the PSA test cannot differentiate between “low-risk” disease that does not threaten life, and “high-risk” disease that is aggressive, will spread, and can be fatal.
Because the majority of prostate cancers are low-risk, past large-scale PSA testing in the general population led to extensive over-treatment of low-risk disease, often with debilitating side effects.

If you have a Primary Care Provider (PCP):
Talk to your PCP about screening availability
If you don’t have Primary Care Provider (PCP):
Find a medical home, such as the Bayview Hunters Point Clinic at the Arthur H. Coleman Medical Center
about prostate cancer
how to get screened
Our Prostate Cancer Action Network provides an update to answer your questions about the booster shots, how to distinguish between cold or COVID, and updates on testing.
>Click to download the Winter 2021/2022 COVID Update PDF
Our Prostate Cancer Action Network created this information on why mask-wearing is important, and why it is important to seek out cancer screening despite the pandemic.
>Click to download Fall 2021 PDF
>Click to download Summer 2001 PDF
Prostate Cancer Action Network Meetings
First Fridays of every month, 1-2:30pm
Meetings will be held via Zoom through January 2021.
Please email us at sfcan-prostate@ucsf.edu for login information.
Want to Become a Wellness Warrior?
Read more here
get involved
Our goal is to reduce deaths from prostate cancer for African American men in the San Francisco Bay Area.
Nynikka Palmer, DrPH, MPH, Dept. of Medicine at Zuckerberg San Francisco General Hospital, UCSF
Rena Pasick, DrPH, Dept. of Medicine, UCSF

Did you know?
Prostate cancer is different for African American men.
African American men develop and die from prostate cancer more than any other group.
Early detection is the best protection, so consider the PSA test.
To meet these specific needs, the Prostate Cancer Action Network was formed.
prostate cancer task force
African American Churches in San Francisco
Missionary Temple Christian Methodist Episcopal Church
St. John Missionary Baptist Church
St. Philip Missionary Baptist Church
Alameda County Public Health Department Office of Urban Male Health
Arthur H. Coleman Community Health Foundation
Bayview Hunters Point Clinic at the Arthur H. Coleman Medical Center
California Cancer Plan
California Urological Association
Kaiser Permanente San Francisco
San Francisco Department of Public Health
Tabernacle Community Development Corporation
UCSF Abundant Life Health Ministries Initiative
UCSF Health, Primary Care
ZERO - The End of Prostate Cancer